Mars Conjunct Uranus , Algol

Mars Conjunct Uranus , Algol 15th July 2024

This can be a very explosive energy where we can receive information in relation to our unconscious beliefs or Patterns. Mars is our I AM presence, it's our impulsive force that lies within us, it’s the very root of our being and our life force energy. We can be very reactive and protective with this aspect of us because it's so deeply programmed within us that we can be very instinctive to protect this part of us.

It could be conditioning from our families that goes deep generationally or social conditioning that we are not aware of, perhaps your culture was influenced in the past by a certain religion and it still manifests itself in the culture albeit unconsciously. It also could be past life experiences that are influencing us unconsciously. We could have certain conditioning from a past life that is effecting us in this life.

So with this transit and conjunction we can have certain information come forward to us now as to what these old patterns or beliefs were and how they are affecting us still to this day. The Uranus aspect of this conjunction brings illumination to what this aspect is, it’s the aha moment or the epiphany that comes through in a moment and you have a realization.

This transit of Mars and Uranus happens every 2 years, but with the conjunction of Algol, it only happens every 84 years. Making it very rare indeed.  

Algol is the fixed star of addictions and losing one's head. It’s the energy of being a consumer and not knowing why or not being able to stop. It could be seen as an addiction because it is something that keeps on expanding like we lose our head, it just gets out of hand!!!!!.

So this transit we can get insights into why we have this aspect in our life, why we have such addictions, or why we keep losing our sense of self and lose connection with our true self and look for the short-term delight which never lasts long enough.

This moon cycle, the new moon in Cancer on the 5th, and the full moon in Capricorn 21st. Is all about a new beginning internally with our emotions and how we feel internally and a culmination of a system that has been playing out for a long time. The way our 3D reality is playing out, there is the possibility of something coming to an end that has not been serving our highest good.

The Algol aspect with Uranus and Mars is highlighting this part of our lives so we can learn new ways of interacting in society and possibly reprograming our minds in a more benefical way for our own life and ways of thinking and interacting.

Pay attention to who comes into your life with a message, instead of reacting perhaps listen and see if there is a message for you.

Full Moon in Leo

As we reach the end of the 1/11 portal, we begin to feel our passions, our desires and a strong need to show our true selves to the world begin to illuminate. This lunar phase can bring about an intense emotional feeling as our fears of being seen, rejected and even criticized surfaces at this time. Although the path forward may seem clearer now, there is still feelings of doubt and uncertainty present. It is important for us to lean into these shadow aspects of ourselves, bringing forth transformation and alchemy. Our fears are not here to cripple us, but rather serve as a tool to show us where we still need to reclaim our power and evolve our limiting perspectives.

This moon is providing us an opportunity to tap deeper into our inner light and divine nature. When we lead through the field of love, we remember that the answers we need to take the next steps are right here, in the stillness of the now. In what ways has your intuition been nudging you to take action? Sometimes it can feel intimidating walking in a new direction when we still feel so unsure of the path ahead. Know that it is okay to to not know all the details, your soul has been preparing for this moment, you are exactly where you need to be. There is a part of you longing to be seen, to be heard and to share your truth with the world. Where is your inner child leading you to play more, to be bold and courageous like the Lion? This moon is helping us to trust more deeply in the guidance that is constantly being revealed to us through our guides, Source and intuition. You are safe to listen to these callings.

As we make space for this sense of empowerment to flow through us, it is normal to feel more tired, drained, fatigued and even overwhelmed at times. If you are feeling this way, make sure that you are honouring your body’s needs and recharging yourself with more rest, reflection and restorative practices. Now is not the time for action but rather for slowing down and holding space for our visions to appear more clearly. This is an important moon for questioning our beliefs around our worthiness, and where we may be holding judgement or comparing our journey to those around us. Know that we are all on our respective journey’s. Instead of comparing yourself, try to see the beauty of your own progress. When we view life through the lens of love, we remember that all parts of our existence serves a purpose and is leading us to a more joyful destination.

Leo governs the heart centre as well as the inner child. This lunar cycle you are encouraged to return to the things that light you up. How can you play a little more with the life you are creating and honour the innocence within you by laughing harder, indulging in creativity and allowing yourself to feel appreciated? This is a great time to connect more deeply with your heart space, asking yourself where does forgiveness of both self and others need to be made? In what ways can you lighten the load both physically and energetically? How can you get closer to the vibration of love and joy?

This powerful energy is here to remind us of our full potential and is asking us to have a little more fun along the way as we plan and take steps towards our future endeavours. You are worth it. You have ALWAYS been worth it. Now is the time for you to remember.

You are not your thoughts

“You are your thoughts.” We have all heard of this saying at least once in our lifetime. Sadly, some of us have even believed it and let it majorly affect us and our mental health. If you are one of these people, stop right there, and read this post. The truth is that you are not your thoughts.

The following information will not only stop you from troubling yourself constantly but also help you solve the problems you’re having while managing your thoughts. And even if you think you don’t need any help with that, believe me, you do.

Sigmund Freud, a well-known Austrian neurologist famous for his clinical methods, developed the idea that human behavior was relevant to the unconscious mind.

The logic behind this concept was more profound than you think it is. He stated that being conscious means being aware of your surroundings and internal environment. It means that you know what is going on inside your head. On the other hand, the subconscious mind refers to the processes in your brain that you are unaware of. Freud suggested that we push back our unwanted thoughts and painful memories into the unconscious part of our mind to avoid dealing with them.

He concluded that the repressed thoughts and memories made their way out through physical actions and behaviors, confirming that you are your thoughts.

To be more elaborate, the theory implies that your physical actions are a representation of your mind and vice versa. It means that the thoughts that cross your mind predict your actions and paint an accurate picture of the kind of person you are.

It also means that the thoughts you have send off a relevant vibe and attract the same kind of energy. It implies that you are a signal, a beacon of the exact energy that goes through your mind.

While the theory is backed up by logical reasons, which make it very believable, it is not as true as you think it is. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and other neurological experts have denied their agreement with this concept. According to them, you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are merely objects of the mind. Just like sounds, perceptions, feelings, and ideas. Through their perspective, thoughts are nothing but passing clouds, and there is nothing you should take personally about them. Let them pass so you don’t feel anxious. That is all you should do.